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“Antalya Hills” is an Independent Residential Floor(s) Project under Affordable Housing under
Deen Dayal Jan Awas Yojana comprising of Phase I & II on Licensed Land admeasuring 35252.571 sq.
mts or 8.7111 acres (3.525257098 hectares) and on the Licensed Land admeasuring 182766.1532 sq.
mts, or 45.1625 acres (18.276615318 hectares) respectively situated at Sector 79, Gurugram &
Sector 79 B, Gurugram, Haryana respectively. DTCP has granted License No. 194 of 2022 dated
29.11.2022 for Phase I in favour of M/s Loon Land Development Limited and License No. 195 of
2022 dated 29.11.2022 for Phase II in favour of M/s Loon Land Development Limited and Others for
development of land admeasuring 35252.571 sq. mts, or 8.7111 Acres qua Phase I & development of
land admeasuring 182766.1532 sq. mts, or 45.1625 Acres qua Phase II. The project is being
developed by M/s Loon Land Development Limited. The Project is duly registered with Haryana Real
Estate Regulatory Authority vide H-RERA Registration No. RC/REP/HARERA/GGM/650/382/2022/125
dated 23.12.2022 qua Phase I & H-RERA Registration No. RC/REP/HARERA/GGM/662/394/2023/06 dated
12.01.2023 qua Phase II. Copies of approvals are available for inspection at Promoter Company
corporate office. By using or accessing this Website and/or the hyperlinks embedded/ mentioned
in the Website you agree to abide by the terms and conditions, as set forth herein and as
contained in the Website without any qualification or limitation. The Promoter/ Company shall
not be responsible for use of any third party website, which is being managed by Third Party.
Such links are being provided only for your convenience and Company owes no responsibility for
the same. Dispute with regard to the interpretation of information or arising from use or
reliance of this website will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of District Courts at
Gurugram, Haryana and Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh India.
All disputes shall be governed by prevailing laws in India.