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24 X 7 Security
Children's Play Area
Club House
Indoor Games
Landscaped Gardens
Power Backup
Rain Water Harvesting
Swimming Pool
Yoga Deck
The journey of a million miles starts with a few steps. However the first baby steps do determine the direction, pace and achievement of goals. Customer satisfaction, value for money, high business ethics and above all, security of customers life time saving, are some of the values we cherished and have nurtured since our inception. With the inception of our group in 1962, we started our first venture in logistics and very quickly moved onto a fullfledged all india company. There was no stopping us then. From logistics to the travel industry onto 10 warehousing, construction and luxury bus body manufacturing. Our interest are varied but focus is only one -- customer satisfaction. Since more than 10 years rekhi group has endeavored to turn each human aspiration into fulfillment, through this corporate motto of creating a better experience in every aspect of life across all its ventures and to create better communities. We have a rich experience of several years in real estate, in india. This experience has obviously proved a vital ingredient in our success. We are known for applying ourselves diligently to each project, right from conception to completion. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in the uncompromising quality and punctuality ensured through the application of advanced techniques of construction and management.
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