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Anvita Builders

Anvita Builders

Established in 1985







Anvita Builders Overview

Anvita Builders Pvt Ltd, has been in the real estate and construction business in Karnataka since 1985. It has also been engaged in infrastructure development in public as well as in private sectors. During the short span of last five years alone, it has completed many residential projects in Cochin.Each of its project meets the quality of top - notch specifications, exemplary quality of finish, impeccable title and committed completion deadlines and more importantly its affordability to common man. Anvita always uphold the value of our tradition and culture. Its innovative design philosophy aims to combine the quality of construction as well as in understanding the budgetary and lifestyle needs of its client and delivering them impeccably.

Corporate Office

Anvita Builders Pvt. Ltd. 33/1233C, II Floor "Kadavil Castle" Toll Junction, Edapally, Cochin - 24 Kerala, India.

Contact us on

+91 9667847298

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