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Jamal's Enterprises

Jamal's Enterprises

Established in 1995







Jamal's Enterprises Overview

Where there is a dream, there is hope and where there is hope, there is life. This is how one of the most prominent real estate companies in Chennai, Jamals began – with a dream- the dream of a person who could visualize the future of the real estate scenario in Chennai. Mr.S.C.M Jamaldeen, Founder and CEO had dreamt of affordable homes in the city and fast developing areas nearby city, and today Jamals completed more than 125 commercial and residential projects. From management methods to construction techniques, the company is always in the quest for novel and latest trends to help deliver more value to its customers.

Corporate Office

Mount Chambers, 758, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002.

Contact us on

+91 9667847298

[email protected]

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