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PET Promoters

PET Promoters

Established in 2010







PET Promoters Overview

When PET(Prompt,Elegant,Trustworthy) Promoters was founded,  Our team had a single vision , to deliver homes that gives best-in class value to the customers. We understand that a home is just not a property, but a life-long dream with greater financial planning and commitment.  For this reason, we always ensure that the customers see and realize the value of their money when they step into their new home. We have successfully met this goal on our projects with strong emphasis on Clear title, Convenient and Calm Neighborhood, Quality and Efficient Construction, High Safety Standards, Elegant Design and Comfort living. Our Completed projects are testimony to our quality, come visit our projects or give us a call to learn more!

Corporate Office

No.17 Duraiswamy Colony, 2nd Street Mangali Nagar, Arumbakkam,

Contact us on

+91 9667847298

[email protected]

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